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Monday, February 21, 2011

Another Interesting meeting!

We had a discussion today as to how to capture metrics in the work wat we do.. another sad meeting.. complete waste of my time..

I think the only objective of this whole exercise was to get some information of what data had to be cooked up to impress our client.. nobody cared in knowing wat we are actually doing.. wat our pblms are.. how to get always it's always abt client management.. RCA's[done only when major production issues creep in] are only done to get answers which are to be shown to clients.. they are not lessons to be learnt..

Similar to many projects, we do not follow many of the processes that we/our company has set for ourselves rightfully.. sometimes coz of constraints or sometimes coz of our "who cares" attitude[most of the times its the later one, therz a third one too -no one's watching wat i why bother do it ]we claim to follow agile and all the other best practices in the world but wat we mostly do these days is ad-hoc.. living this, we were told to capture data at various stages.. a big presentation was shown to us on the kinds of metrics.. what they mean..text book things..  bla bla.. not a single line on how it wud actually help us improve.. :) people were nodding at all this u know.. shud have seen their faces.. gud fakers they all make..

metrics means measurement, in our case many things were not at all measurable because of many reasons.. many requirements/changes had not  gone to tc's, no estimates in tc's,  no test execution status for latest releases.. many issues were not logged in defect management tool..and many more of such things.. so i told all this to my manager n asked him how effective would be the metrics we wud arrive at? [ i so shud have been quiet.. donno y i speak my heart out knowing none of my questions wud actually be truly answered..just can't stand everybody faking so gud..i get to be the arrogant fool always!] there were some solutions proposed which everybody knew wudnt work bcoz any process wud be as gud as its people.. and people knew wat they have been doing.. wat they wud continue to do..

anywayz keeping metrics apart.. wat i did in the meeting was to emphasise the pain points we have in collecting such metrics.. the things we are not currently doing in our day to day work[the ones we are suppose to do].. and how they are impacting us.. my manager acted surprised to few things but was not greatly disturbed ;)

No offence but its not just manager.. everybody wants a happy life with no work and big money.. as long as no one sits on our head and asks to do something nobody wants to do it.. who wud sit on a leads/managers head and ask him to do his work correctly when they themselves are happy not doing them.. clients also have chosen to be blind to these.. cant blame them entirely.. if we wanted their involvement we wud have got it.. we are happy by cutting them off..

really felt sorry for those people who dont see any value in doing wat they are supposed to do correctly/following processes.. i have always tried to tell people abt why and how those things are important.. who cares.. wat a pity!

will this ever change or will i end up as one among these people..